The Dream Foundation confirmed to that Kim Kardashian is turning her wedding gifts into a charitable donation.
It&8217;s true,Kim Kardashian&8216;s wedding gifts are going to charity.
The Dream Foundation confirmed to today that the reality TV star, who has previously worked with the organization that grants wishes to terminally ill adults, reached out to contribute the gifts from her wedding to Kris Humphries following her decision to file for divorce. (The gifts do not include the money she reportedly made from selling the media rights to her wedding.)
&8220;It comes to no surprise to Dream Foundation that Kim would take a difficult and trying situation and turn it into something tremendously positive and impactful to the milies we serve,&8221; the foundation&8217;s president,&160;Thomas W. Rollerson, said in a statement. &8220;We are sorry for the circumstances surrounding this contribution, yet this is Kim&8217;s way of paying forward the gestures of love that were bestowed to her.&8221;
Kardashian&8217;s donation will be a &8220;symbolic donation in the value of the gifts she received.&8221; Asked how much money that &8220;symbolic donation&8221; amounts to, Rollerson said via e-mail, &8220;ALLOT! &160;:)&8221; and added that the money is &8220;being wired in this morning.&8221;
&8220;It&8217;s a substantial contribution,&8221; he said, &8220;a gesture that will help hundreds of milies in their greatest time of need.&8221;
Rollerson went on to praise Kardashian&8217;s commitment to the Dream Foundation: &8220;For years, Kim has been one of our most dedicated and ready supporters, not only in contributions, but also in the lending of her time and generous heart.&160;&160;We have personally witnessed her holding hands and comforting terminally ill adults, offering compassion, kindness and acknowledgment to the end of life journey.&160; It is by those acts that a person should be judged &8211; and we are blessed to have Kim as a part of our service.&8221;
Kardashian has repeatedly rebuked reports that she engineered her wedding for a payday,&160;writing on her blog&160;Tuesday night that she&8217;s &8220;donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation.&8221;
Sure Kim, sure. Anyone who believes this deserves to continue to live in their ntasy wannabe land. Kim and people like her a mous for NOTHING. Except being stupid humans. Truly though, I enjoy seeing this. The more this type of behaviour is accepted and glorified the further we will ll as a people, and then we will have to clean up :) My vorite part hehehehe.
Yeah right, that mily will try to sell for all they can get, and give what they cant sell to charity
Bogus! These must be really low-class people to not know proper etiquette for returning wedding gifts. The donation to charity is a write-off, and she notably got much more $$ in gifts. Guess its up to the guests to demand return of the gifts.
Love how even when Kim is doing something wonderful people feel the need to talk s. The charity has no reason to lie about all her great work. If you dis-like her so much STOP reading articles about her. You all clearly have nothing better to do with your time. Instead of worrying what Kim Kardashian&8217;s doing why don&8217;t you try volunteering some of your own time. Also, its not like any of her guests are hurting for money. I&8217;m sure they dont mind the $$ going to this wonderful cause.
Does her husband have any say in this? What if he wants the money to go to a different charity? I guess since he had NO say in the wedding, she&8217;s not letting him have any say about the breakup (which I read he found out about on twitter) or what happens to the gifts. She is just pathetic.
First of all, these gifts were given to her by those guests who thought they came to a real wedding. So now the wedding is a sham, they should have been returned to the guests, and they do not belong to this woman. Second, she gave them to Dream Foundation by using her own name. They should be all under the guests names who gave these gifts to her. Period.
Would these gifts that Ms. Kardashian is going to donate also include the $450,000, 2011 white Ferrari 458 that she gave herself as a wedding present??
Silk is so right.Do the Kardashians actually think they will be viewed as some sort of charitable icons because they are donating the loot their other wealthy friends gave them?? When I see them on TV, I give them the benefit of the doubt that their warped thinking and idiocy is just a ploy for the cameras and deep down they are smart, caring people who know how to put on act for ratings. But now I wonder-have they decided to become their TV characters instead of being their real selves? These shenanigans bring to mind the episode of the &8220;Twilight Zone&8221; where a guy is an actor in a TV show and starts believing his TV life is real instead of his actual life which is miserable. At the end, he decides to let the TV show become his reality. This mily is doing it before our very eyes.
I agree with Silk. These scam artist Kardashians once again are trying to get publicity by &8220;donating&8221; the money to charity. There&8217;s something very fishy about this whole &8220;donation&8221;. A spokesperson for the charity says lovely littke Kim has ofKim Kardashianten &8220;quietly&8221; donated in the past! PLEASE what have the Kardashians ever done quietly!! The reports of Kim & Kris millions on the wedding have been circulating since day one. Why NOW is Kris Jenner denying it? Oh, a book tour I almost forgot.
I think she is an IDIOT! I mean come on who actually thought that marriage would last. Up to the day they got married they barely even knew each other. I figured either it was ke or she was just so eager to marry someone that she went with the first guy that was willing to put up with her. He prolly did it for the money and the me. That mily was way cool at first and now they are just money hungry mongers! It&8217;s becoming annoying. Kim is the most annoying of all. You may look good sweetie but there&8217;s reasons why no one will really marry you. May be cause your so stuck on yourself?!?
So, basically, Kim is keeping the gifts, AND getting a tax deduction. All the people who spent lots of money to give her lovely presents are stiffed, but they can take comfort in the ct that she is giving a &8220;symbolic&8221; amount to her vorite charity. Lovely Kim. Very thoughtful.
If the Dream Foundation had any class they would say no thank you, but they are in on the scam as well as it is her number 1 charity. Hey Rollerson stand up and say enough is enough.
Hopeless Romantic, that is what Kim keeps calling herself. Try spoiled Brat! Kris was your reality check and you couldnt handle it. He seemed down to earth and real and wasnt going to let the Kardashin girls bite his balls off like the rest of the fellas. You need therapy to learn about relationships, you dont just give up after a few months. You are supposed to be a role model for young girls, what is this showing them? And giving away your wedding presents may seem noble, but i am sure that your guests spent some thought into giving you something they thought you would like and you just throw those away also. Dont ever get a puppy or kitten as they eat and poop and you will probably throw those away when they aren&8217;t cute anymore. GROW UP KIM!
OMG&8230; Just heard that Khloe was overheard the remark they like travelling out of country hoping to be received as american royalty. How low will they go?? As for the divorce Kris is much better off and I hope he finds happiness.
i wonder if this would include her wedding ring this would feed a lot of home less americans that dont have thing of vaule exept respect for them selves i have had parents were i live calif ask me for money so they could feed there kids one day all of us will meet our god
Obviously this girl or her invasive mother do not know proper etiquette &8211; wedding gifts are RETURNED TO THE GIVER with a HAND WRITTEN NOTE! It doesn&8217;t matter who the person is!
And the people who gave her gifts, should also ask for them to be returned, although Emily Post wouldn&8217;t approve of that.
What charities would want these things? They&8217;d have to sell it to get money from it &8211; and is she returning her 1mil ring?
And to all the news networks &8211; can we stop with these people &8211; PLEASE!
So she keeps the reputed $18 million she made off the wedding and she gives away her presents that other people bought her? My God, the humanity! She&8217;s practically Mother Theresa. Disgusting.
Donate at least a million or 2 from the $18million you got for your wedding. And give the wedding gifts back to the people who gave it to you &8211; they obviously put a lot of thought and spent a lot of money getting you what you wanted for your wedding &8211; give them back their gift to do with as they please&8230; Now that would be a more &8220;charitiable&8221; solution.
This woman is a swine. Yeah, sure, she&8217;s giving the wedding gifts to charity. You can&8217;t believe a word that&8217;s coming out of her mouth. She says didn&8217;t earn any money from this wedding? Only an entitled swine would try to put this over. She no doubt feels that she didn&8217;t earn enough money which to her translates into a press release that reads no money. Swine, swine, swine.
Payments The Couple Received:
$15-Million Plus Profit for a 4-Hour, Two-Part Wedding Special on E!
$2.5-Million for Exclusive Photos With PEOPLE Magazine
$300,000 for Exclusive Engagement Announcement With PEOPLE Magazine
$100,000 for Exclusive Rights To Bridal Shower With Britains OK! Magazine
$50,000 To Have Bachelorette Party at Tao in Las Vegas
And she&8217;s donating the $100,000 In Wedding Gifts? Big Deal!? The marriage was a money venture. Plan and .
Kim return the damn ring. It is not yours to keep. Always self centerd. It was not a gift. MY prayers are for you and your normal mily. This early breakup is definitely a blessing to you, you&8217;ll see later. You have been delivered. Take heart it is for your good.
the whole thing was a scam from the beginning even her mom is juming on the bandwagon now with all these appearnaces i wonder what shes off the kardashian wedding mess, kim is and always will be a joke and nothing more
Stop wasting time on GMA reporting about Kim Kardashian!!!!!! She is NOT news! Is ABC getting something for covering her personal life? Please get back to reporting news!!
ABC News (as one of many) &8211; your incessant coverage of Lohan and Kardhashian are an insult to your viewers. Further, was Kim Kardashian married to herself and only SHE has feelings, etc. etc.? What about the guy in the picture &8211; do you suppose he has feelings? You drive me away from ABC News with such trite stories.
Bob, you&8217;re ridiculous. along with everyone else. Other people get divorced and no one says its a scam?
Kim Kardashian gets a nice big t tax deduction for donating her so called wedding gifts to the &8220;Dream Fondation&8221;. This BIMBO and her mily scamming the tax payers now!
SO tired of all things Kardashian. What if all news shows and entertainment shows quit having them as guests? I will never knowingly buy anything any of them sell and continue to turn down the sound or change channels when they are on TV. Maybe we should start a grassroots movement to boycot all things Kardashian.
Really?!? &8220;No body likes an Indian giver&8221; is the quote of the day? Could we please get an apology? We still exist. And, it is well established that we didn&8217;t give colonizers something then wanted it back. We lived here. The colonizers took it. Fact. Please. An apology&8230;
How offensive is the mother&8217;s comment about &8220;Indian giver&8221;! After what non-native people have done to native Americans&8230; take away their rights in every way so they have nothing to give that they can take away again.
I hope the IRS is monitoring this since she is saying that she is donating property in her own name and will most likely claim the tax write off. Shouldn&8217;t the people who bought the items get the write off? This scenario is sooo tacky on the part of &8216;Ms Kardashian&8217;. She is certainly finding new ways to humiliate herself, her mily and destroy her ther&8217;s good name.
I&8217;m going to buy a video camera, tape every move I make and send an endless number of DVD&8217;s to the Kardashians. Maybe they&8217;ll get sick of seeing every move I make to&8230;.idiots >:(
You&8217;re supposed to return the gifts to the gift-givers, not give them to charity, you lazy assed slacker.
i agree with whoever said what does the groom want to do with the gifts? Does he want to give them back to whoever gave them? Does he want to perhaps donate to a different charity? And to whoever said we hate because she&8217;s beautiful, beauty is not only on the outside and the inside of these girls is shallow, greedy and selfish, that in my eyes in not beauty. The person who says she&8217;s doing something nice and we are all still picking on her, well it&8217;s been pointed out that the tax break she receives by donating money is much more likely her motivation than doing something for the good of humanity. something she decided to do only after being called out on her greed. And to the person who says lots of people get divorced, yes but not everyone invites the public into their conspicuous displays of wealth and excess or into their lives like the Kardashians have done. They thrive on public opinion as long as the public opinion is &8220;look how pretty, look how fu^able, look how bulously wealthy they are!&8221; If the tide turns into look how ke look how trampy look how wasteful they are, well then they don&8217;t like to hear&8230; the truth
It is just so sad and a down right shame that this wonderful charity has to lie through their teeth about her AND PRAISE HER when she needs to cover her butt. It just seems to defeat the humanitarianism that donations are suppose to be. It is just sad!
I&8217;m surprised that she is talking of giving wedding gifts to charity&8211; hope that she doesn&8217;t expect the charity to give them to her (after all, she is no charity case). The money was wedding gifts to BOTH of them&8211; why does she think she gets to keep it all. Don&8217;t know the quality of her short-lived married life&8211; it was a sham to begin with&8211; but the trouble is that she had an itch that needed scratching but he wasn&8217;t good enough. Maybe she can find enough men to scratch her itch.
Ask the DREAM Foundation how much of the money actually is going to them Her wedding gifts were in the neighborhood of $150K, but she&8217;s only donating $2K &8211; the rest was used to purchase lavish gifts for herself & mily from the store!!! Greedy Greedy Greedy!
So if they would not have gotten divorced, would she have kept them? Its funny how she compared as American Royalty, yet William and Kate used their wedding fun to donate&8230;not because they plan to divorce but because they are good people. Christina A and her husband donated all their wedding gifts to Katrina victoms&8230;their divorce came way later&8230;Kim need to take a page from celebs that have class.
I can&8217;t stand all these tuous idiots saying &8220;QUIT BEING A HATER JUST BECAUSE SHES BEAUTIFUL&8230;&8221; This statement is self-serving, convenient, antiquated, and has nothing to do with the criticism Kim is getting. There are beautiful woman all around us and to reduce Kims idiocy to only jealousy is egotistical, chicken , and the idiots using this think pwned you &8211; NOT!
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